Download Payment Reminder at best price in Bangladesh. We provide 100% original Payment Reminder For WooCommerce plugin from developers without ads, viruses or malicious code. It has been scanned by VirusTotal which ensures that you are downloading only clean, safe and trusted files. Buy Payment Reminder For WooCommerce with general public license key to get lifetime free updates. If it doesn’t work, we’ll refund your money (product guarantee).
The Payment Reminder feature enables automatic sending of reminder emails for outstanding payments, follow-up emails requesting feedback, and emails to customers who have cancelled their orders, based on rules you set up. Once you have configured the feature by enabling reminders, selecting the interval between emails, and setting a limit on the number of reminders sent, emails will be sent
Features of Payment Reminder For WooCommerce
- Sends automatic payment reminders to customers who have failed to complete their orders
- Allows customizing the content and timing of reminders
- Sends reminders based on the number of days after the order was placed
- Offers the option to include a link to the payment page in the reminder email
- Tracks when reminders are sent and whether payment was received
- Integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce and its various payment gateways
- Enhances customer satisfaction and decreases the rate of abandoned orders
- Saves time and effort by automating the reminder process
- Helps businesses collect more revenue by encouraging customers to complete their orders
- Provides detailed reports on payment reminders and order status.
The latest version of Payment Reminder is available in Bangladesh. We want to give everyone the opportunity to set reminder emails, customize messages, and control frequency. We never give an access randomly, So our prices are fixed. To contact us, you may click on Email | WhatsApp.
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