
Top 5 Fastest WordPress Themes in 2024 – Speed-Optimized Picks

Top 5 Fastest WordPress Themes in 2024 – Speed-Optimized Picks

Discover the top 5 fastest WordPress themes in 2024 for ensuring optimal speed and performance. These templates, from lightweight frameworks to efficient coding, are certain to assure quicker loading times for a better user experience, boosting SEO and enhancing the functionality of any website: GeneratePress, Astra, Neve, Kadence, and Hello Elementor.


With today’s digital landscape, speed is more crucial than ever. A slow website will only result in frustrated users, increased bounces, and poor SEO rankings. In fact, according to research, 53% of mobile site visitors leave a page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. This means that should your website not be optimized for speed, you could lose half of your audience right at the front door.

There aren’t many easier or more effective ways to optimize a site for performance than choosing a fast WordPress theme. But with thousands available, how do you really know which one is optimized for speed?

If you’ve ever tried to hurry a slow website, you know that’s no easy undertaking. You tweak your images, install cache plugins, and upgrade your hosting – yet it still lags in the load time. The problem often lies with the very foundation of your site: your theme.


Most of them are really bloated with unnecessary code, or with features that nobody uses, or simply because of bad design practices-all can kill it in slow performance. That leads into a situation where even the best-optimized content and plugins will have to fight hard, trying to get you faster results. Frustrating, because you did everything right, and you end up with lousy results.

That includes the speed-optimized themes: instead of an afterthought, performance is baked right in. You start off with a clean light framework that gives you fast load times before adding your content or plugins.

Solution: Top 5 Fastest WordPress Themes in 2024

Below is a list of the top 5 fastest WordPress themes in 2024. Not theoretically fast themes, but tried and proved to improve real-world performance. Let’s go ahead and see why each of them made it to the list.

  1. GeneratePress



Speed Emphasis: GeneratePress is usually one of the fastest WordPress themes on the globe, and it’s not difficult to understand why. At the front door, it’s a mere 7.5KB in size and doesn’t load any superfluous scripts, keeping your website light and quick.

Key Features :

  • Modular Design: You enable only those features you need to keep your site lean and mean.
  • SEO Optimized: Coded with SEO best practices in mind and following WordPress coding standards.
  • Mobile Friendly: Fully responsive and built to work with every device.

Performance Data: A default installation of GeneratePress will load in under 1 second with a clean install and scores above 90% on Google PageSpeed Insights. Most the real case studies done in the real world indicate that there is remarkable speed improvement on websites made with GeneratePress without any difficult optimizations.

Get started with GeneratePress today!

  1. Astra



Speed Focus: The ground-up development of Astra has been centered on speed. It is less than 50KB, lightweight, and extremely fast. Astra is also built to work well with all major page builders; thus, it is a versatile platform with its focus on performance.

Key Features :

  • No jQuery: Without using jQuery, Astra saves render-blocking so as to speed up loading.
  • Customizable without Bloat: Astra gives you deep customizations and does not increase your site’s footprint.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Out-of-the-box integration with WooCommerce, guaranteeing super-fast and efficient e-commerce stores. 

Performance Data: Astra clears more than 90% on most speed test tools on a fresh install. Additionally, if you do a bit of tweaking, you should get your sites to load in less than 1 second. Their user base also reports that Astra-boosted WooCommerce stores show great improvements in the speed of carts and checkouts.

Get started with Astra today!

  1. Neve



Priority of Speed: Neve keeps it fast and light. It is AMP-compatible; hence, it is perfect for mobile-first websites. Neve takes performance seriously; hence, blogs, small businesses, and personal websites find Neve the best option.

Key Features:

  • AMP Ready: It works perfectly with Accelerated Mobile Pages for blazing-fast experiences.
  • Minimal Design: Clean and minimal, never messing around with rich heavy elements.
  • One-Click Setup: The pre-built website layouts get you up and running fast without sacrificing performance.

Performance Data: Neve regularly scores well in performance tests. On a fresh install, it can be loaded within 0.6 sec and yield a Google PageSpeed Insights score of over 90%. The AMP compatibility ensures that this mobile page is almost instantaneously loaded, thereby allowing the mobile users to enjoy a seamless experience.

Get started with Neve today!

  1. Kadence



Performance Focal Point: Kadence is built with performance as the first priority. Powerful customizations without site slowdowns make Kadence arguably one of the most versatile and speed-optimized themes on the market today. 

Key Features: 

  • Lightweight Codebase: Kadence is developed to be lightweight, with minimal code and super-fast load times. 
  • Customizable Headers and Footers: Style dynamic headers and footers without adding extra weight to your site.
  • Deep WooCommerce Integration: Optimized for performance, even on large eCommerce stores.

Performance Data: Kadence is often benchmarked as one of the top-performing themes-with load times under 1 second on a fresh install. Focused on efficient resource usage and minimal overhead, Kadence consistently scores high on Google PageSpeed Insights and other speed testing tools.

Get started with Kadence today!

  1. Hello Elementor

Hello Elementor

Hello Elementor

Speed Focus: Hello Elementor is designed to work seamlessly with the Elementor page builder and is one of the fastest WordPress themes when used with this tool. It’s an extremely light theme with almost zero bloat, hence ideal for sites built with Elementor.

Key Features:

  • Ultra-minimalist Design: The theme is literally stripped down to basics, hence ultra-fast and efficient.
  • Perfect for Elementor: Hello Elementor is specially designed for users who rely on the Elementor page builder.
  • Customizable: While minimal, it fully supports Elementor to ensure your ultimate design capability without sacrificing speed.

Performance Data: Hello Elementor doesn’t have feature bloat, so your website might load in less than one second with a fresh install. Many sites made on Elementor using the Hello theme score 90+ on Google PageSpeed Insights with very little effort and ensure performance goes super smooth on any device.

Get started with Hello Elementor today!


Speed is everything in 2024. Be it a blog, e-store, or business portfolio; below are five of the fast, efficient, high-performing WordPress themes: GeneratePress, Astra, Neve, Kadence, and Hello Elementor.

Each of these has its merits, but they all share the same core: faster load times equal happy users, better SEO. Set your site up with a performance-optimized theme to give it a solid ground it can be successful on.

Speed is not a luxury when it comes to WordPress themes; it’s a necessity. So don’t let a slow site weigh you down. Find yourself a fast theme and watch your site fly!

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